Baropodometric examination
The best examination for the study of plantar support
The Clinical Modular Electronic Baropodometry is a system consisting of a 200 cm ambulatory walkway and a 120 cm baropodometric detection platform (where there are 4800 active sensors) for a total of 320 cm.
The patient is made to step onto the platform either barefoot or in footwear. Then the subject is asked to walk on the modular platform consisting of sensors to perform the dynamic examination.
Baropodometric platforms
These platforms are composed of thousands of pressure sensors of the latest generation, the system allows for static, dynamic, stabilometric and videographic measurements.
From pressure analysis to custom-made orthotics
Plantar Support Analysis
The specialist podiatrist evaluates the support of the foot, identifying areas of greater and lesser load, identifying static and dynamic dysfunctions of the foot.
Computerized Foot Orthosis
These orthoses are made entirely by our specialists within the Studio. Each step is taken care of directly to ensure a foot orthotic of the highest quality.